Face procedures

Bernard is experienced in performing a range of facial procedures to address common concerns, such as prominent ears, the effects of aging on the face and neck, and excess skin from the upper eyelids. His team also offers cosmetic injectable services.

Facelift and neck lift

Facelifts and neck lifts can be performed together or independently, usually to address the effects of ageing and in particular the effects of excess skin around the corners of the mouth, jawline and in the neck. Sometimes facelift is performed in cases of facial nerve palsy, trauma or with severe acne scarring.

A facelift is normally performed as day surgery, the average procedure taking 3 hours. Post-operatively, there is usually mild pain, which is easily controlled with oral analgesia prescribed by an anaesthetist. Surgery is performed under general anaesthetic.

An overnight stay may be required if a patient has significant other medical problems, lives on our own or there are other perioperative issues. Post-operatively, bandages are used to help with compression and these are removed the next day. A drain may also be used, placed beneath the skin, to help with minimising the risk of bleeding underneath the skin.

Following a facelift, it takes a number of weeks for the outcome to become apparent and there is usually a degree of swelling and bruising takes about 2 weeks to resolve. At 6 weeks, healing is 80 to 90% complete and the result is close to the final result. However, patients are usually able to return to most normal activities at 2 weeks

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Otoplasty or prominent ear correction can be performed from the age of 4 onwards. The decision regarding age is often dictated by parental concern but is more commonly at the request of the patient themselves. Therefore, setback otoplasty is increasingly performed at about the age of 8 to 12.

In addition to this, Bernard is pleased to offer EarBuddies for newborns and babies which is a splinting system which can mould the ears avoiding the need for surgical correction. More information can be found on the Ear Buddies website.

Up until the age of 16, otoplasty is usually performed under a general anaesthetic, possibly as day surgery. Beyond 16, local anaesthetic or local anaesthetic with sedation is normally required.

Broadly speaking, there are two techniques used: cartilage scoring or modelling technique or a permanent suture technique.

Post-operative dressings may be worn for a week afterwards and a headband or bandage worn overnight for up to 6 weeks. Usually, there is a high degree of satisfaction with the outcome but revision or touch up of position can be required. Sport and other activities may need to be avoided for 6 to 12 weeks after. This varies from patient to patient and will be discussed during your consultation with Bernard.

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Upper blepharoplasty

Upper blepharoplasty is a commonly performed procedure for either medical indications or as a cosmetic procedure. This involves removal of excess skin and muscle from the upper eyelid, tightening of structures and sometimes removal of fat from around the eyelid.

In some patients, due to visual obstruction, a Medicare item number can be used and costs can be claimed from health funds. However, before this can be done, measurement of visual obstruction by an optometrist or ophthalmologist needs to be performed.

Surgery can be under local anaesthetic or local anaesthetic with sedation. Occasionally, when there is ptosis or weakness of the muscles that lifts the upper eyelid up, the position of these muscles is corrected. This may be performed under a general anaesthetic.

After surgery, there will be some bruising, the degree to which depends on many factors. Some of these are patient related, which may include the use of blood thinners, smoking or muscle thickness. However, it is normally mild and bruising is resolved by 2 weeks.

Occasionally, revision of scars may be required, this is unusual but the amount of skin excised is often conservative and there be need for a revision. Bernard will ask if there is a history of significant dry eyes before surgery and history of smoking. Both of these are contraindications to performing the operation.

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Cosmetic injectables

Over the past 10 years, there has been a significant increase in the number of people having cosmetic injections and a significant increase in the variety of practices offering these services. Injections have been proven to be safe and reliable with generally excellent outcomes.

We offer a highly personalised approach to cosmetic injections with assessment with Dr Carney and our cosmetic nurse, Georgia Rinna. Services include muscle relaxants, intradermal and sub dermal filler and enzyme injections for submental fat.

When you make an appointment as a new patient to the practice, you will have a face-to-face consultation with both Georgia and Dr Carney, from which a tailored approach to will be made.

Following this, close follow-up is performed to address any concerns or short-term problems with the injections. Yearly renewal of any prescription for injectables would then be performed with Dr Carney.

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